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13 reasons Irish schools need to make more of their yearbooks

Give those gas tickets the freedom they deserve.

YEAR-BOOKS WERE NEVER really a huge thing in Irish secondary schools. Sure, they existed, but American high-schools had COMMITTEES and their own personal photo with their own personal quote.

So this is what we propose we do, get Irish schools to go the whole hog when it comes to yearbooks. It’s the education reform we truly need. Take inspiration from these brave pioneers.

1. Quotes inspire confidence

qoUNjaI Source: Imgur

2. Impart new knowledge

ECCXTuP Source: Reddit

3. Encourage students to spread the word of their heroes

ErlQuZs Source: Imgur

4. Those they aspire to be

yearbookfunnyjunk Source: FunnyJunk

5. The most important teachings from those who paved the way


6. It encourages them to demonstrate their scientific know-how

…and get around the editor’s filter


7. Show off friendships


8. Innovative ways to get around problems are born

Oh, yearbook quotes... - Imgur

9. Burns are administered

My sister's friend burned her via yearbook quote - Imgur

10. There’s nothing to hide anymore


11. They can show off the wisdom learned from those years of education

9TyXYpJ Source: Imgur

12. The books they’ve read

ME6JXuY Source: Imgur

13. And the music they’ve listened to

yearbook-16-Copy Source: Thepostmonkey

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