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18 Irish life events that took place on the Big Green

Go on the green.

THE BIG GREEN was instrumental in every Irish kid’s life.


1. You got your first kiss playing kiss chase

2. That time you realised the perfume you made from the bushes was actually gack

3. You destroyed your good jumper using it as a football goal

Abbey Street Play Area Source: Damikanyat

4. You chanced your arm on the neighbour’s bouncy castle, and succeeded

5. You experienced a bee sting trying to catch them in a jar

6. Kicky bags lived and died

footbags-2-panel-1074 Source: Flamesngames

7. The first hint of humiliation, with your mam barking at you to come in

8. You camped there when you ran from home for two hours

9. A stray dog led to a TON of excitement

Race horse Indie Source: Peter & Michelle S

10. It was where you’d go to see ‘who was out’

11. You took part in your first turf war when outsiders used it play chasing

12. Snow resulted in the shittest snowman you were ever proud of

Herbert Park - The Big Freeze Is Not Over Yet - A Dying Snowman Source: infomatique

13. You were given out to for getting too close to the teenagers’ bonfire at Halloween

14. You got obsessed with every sport of the moment… running during the Olympics, tennis during Wimbledon, football during the World Cup… the whole estate got involved

15. Someone broke a tree and yous all got in shit for it

16. You picked one of these and were terrified you’d wet the bed

Dandelions Source: jolly_janner

17. You discovered that you did, in fact, like butter

18. And finally, you discovered outdoor drinking

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