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Bill Murray crashed a stag party and gave an amazing speech

Shots for everyone!

BILL MURRAY IS no stranger to crashing parties.

He’s ingratiated himself into legend status by dropping into karaoke sessions, student parties and gigs.

dishes Washing the dishes at a student flat in Scotland in 2006 Source: Imgur

Now he’s made one man’s special weekend even more special by giving a speech at his stag party in Charleston, West Virginia. The guy, called EJ, was at a steakhouse with about 20 friends, when one of them spotted Murray eating dinner.

One of the stags – called Stephen –  told Deadspin that they tried to send the actor some drinks, but he said “no thanks”. Then they asked if he would come and make a speech, and again he declined.

But a few minutes later, he showed up. Of course he did.

He began by telling the men “I have some experience of this” (Murray has been married twice).

You know how they say funerals are not for the dead, they’re for the living? Bachelor parties are not for the groom; they’re for the unmarried.

The lads LOVED that.


He also advised that if you think you’ve met the one:

Take that person, and travel around the world. Buy a plane ticket  for the two of you to travel all around the world and go to places that are hard to go to and hard to get out of. When you come back, as soon as you land at JFK if you’re still in love with that person, get married at the airport.

Then, THEN he rallies the troops:

Let’s pick him up over our shoulders.

And then he scarpers.

Watch the whole video here.

 Bill Murray will party with anyone, here’s the evidence>

Watch: Oh just Bill Murray singing House of the Rising Sun>

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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