TODAY IS BLACK Friday and you know what that means — long queues, online discounts and whole of frustration.
As these tweets show, it’s a rollercoaster of emotions.
1. The sympathy you have for this poor sod
2. The bemusement when you’re invited to virtually queue for bloody ink cartridges
3. The smugness when you know you’re after getting a really good deal
4. The pleasant surprise when you see that people are being sound :)
5. The silly temptation to buy a big telly… when you already have a perfectly good telly
“Shite, do I need a bigger telly? Am I stupid not to buy one? Am I basically making money if I do buy one?”
6. The fear that you might lose the run of yourself
*buys food processor that you will never use just because*
7. The anger when you’re in work and you can’t even avail of the good deals
8. The frustration when you see that your inbox is clogged with e-mails from shops trying to get you to spend money that you don’t even bloody have
Help me, I’m poor :(
9. The feeling of “Ah, f**k it” when you embrace Black Friday in all its glory
10. The rage when you add something to your cart… only to find that it’s sold out
Curse all you eager shoppers!
11. The despair you feel when you read this headline
“Black Friday Fights”
God help us all.
12. And the compulsion to sing when you see this tweet…
Well played, Les Mis. Well played.