BOOKS, BOOKS, AND even more books. It’s just as bad as drinking really.
A book hangover, according to the Urban Dictionary, is
When you’ve finished a book and you suddenly return to the real world, but the real world feels incomplete or surreal because you’re still living in the world of the book.
Are you suffering from one? We empathise.
1. You just can’t put it down
2. You’re having feelings you never knew there were terms for
The characters are REAL, dammit.
3. You’re sore
You haven’t moved from the sofa in like three hours.
4. You’re mentally exhausted
5. Hurt and confused
What kind of ending was THAT?
6. You have a sudden urge to share it with everybody
They can’t just get away with getting on with their lives like this, while you suffer with the knowledge of these pages.
7. But can barely bring yourself to loan it to anyone else
What if they give it doggy ears? Monsters.
8. You NEED someone to talk about it with
9. But just want to be left alone, all at once
10. You begin incorporating it into your every day life because, let’s face it, you’d well be the first to die in the Hunger Games
11. It’s time to watch the movie 20 times
It’s all been brought to life. The dream. The inconsistencies.
12. Once that’s over, you might even resort to fan fiction
13. Thoughts of getting stuck into a new one are just TOO MUCH right now
14. But you’re seeing signs everywhere you go
15. You finally accept that it’s time to move on
And thus, the circle starts all over again.