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People have been sharing the story of their worst ever break up and it's painful

Some of them are, frankly, ridiculous.

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BREAK UPS ARE never easy – but some rankle a little more than others.

So an AskReddit thread started up last night that got people to tell the story of their worst ever break up. Thousands of people wanted to tell their own story of heartbreak – and some of them were ridiculous:

Like this guy who had to listen to it… through song

My girlfriend of a year broke up with me by sending a video of herself singing a break up SONG that she wrote. It included a background dancer of one of my good friends.
I was at a party at the time she sent it and I foolishly played it aloud so all my good pals could hear it, and hear my heart break.

dianna-agron-wince-gif Source: Snugglyoranges


Or this Simpsons reference that was entirely unwelcome

Email that said, “Welcome to Dumpsville. Population: you.” Funny on the Simpsons, less funny in real life.

simpson02 Source: BlogSpot

Ah here.

When you have to hear the news from your auldlad

She had her step sister call my parents phone (didn’t have a cell phone then) to break up with me.
Except my dad answered so she told him it was over. He simply said ” I think you want to talk to my son.” Looking back I think it’s hilarious.

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And the dreaded, anonymous

The changing of their Facebook status. Cowardly as f.

Or this person, who found out over email

Email: “This is over. This is not negotiable.”

I-hate-you-so-much-GIF Source: Reactiongif

And then there was this awkward tale of delayed post

My sister went on a date with her then boyfriend one Friday night. Stayed over, they had sex, then she went home.
The next morning, a letter arrived by 2nd class post.
Anyway, the letter is from the boyfriend, telling her he wants to break up. There was no indication of anything being wrong during their whole time together on the Friday.
Because of the stamp, we estimated he probably posted it on Wednesday or Thursday.


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And finally, when she dumps you in her parents house

I was sleeping in the guest bedroom at her parent’s house, she snuck up from her room in the basement and woke me up at 3 am to tell me she didn’t want to see me anymore and I should just leave in the morning.


noo2 Source: wikia

Heartbreaking stuff. You’re all heroes for sharing.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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