Dublin: 11 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

What can we learn from Britney's new single?

She’s a leader among women.

BRITNEY SPEARS’ NEW single Work B**ch! hit the internet last night, and frankly, there’s a lot we can learn from it.

First, take a listen:

Source: HotNewMusic

What do you think?  Do you like her fancy new accent?  Could you understand what she was saying?  You’re right, actually, a lot of it was garbled.

Fortunately, we’re here to share the songs greatest lessons.

1.  How to get a hot body…

Capture Source: Shutterstock

2.  How to get a Bugati…

Capture2 Source: Flickr

3.  How to get a Maserati…

maserati Source: Flickr

4.  How to live fancy, live in a big mansion and party in France?

mansion Source: Flickr

We could go on, but you get the gist.

There is also a section about bringing it on, ringing alarms, and smashing beats, as well as a very confusing moment in which she basically says ‘GO AHEAD AND CALL THE GOVERNOR, I MAKE THE GOVERNOR CALL ME THE GOVERNOR!’.

She’s hard as nails guys.

The basic lesson here though, is that hard work gets you what you want.

THANKS BRIT!  We’ll all be partying in France in no time!

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