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10 signs that you are suffering from Brunch Notions

No, Weetabix at 1pm doesn’t count as brunch.

WHEN DID BRUNCH take over Ireland? When did your notions take over you?

1. A breakfast roll won’t do

You now know that brunch must be a big deal. It’s not just the imbibing of food that merits brunch, it’s the occasion, and the occasion is not you being a monster.

supermacsbreakfastrollno Source: LWang

2. You use brunch as a verb

We’re brunching. You also use it as a noun, ‘doing’ brunch. Both make you equally as insufferable.





3. Your Instagram is full of breakfast food

Which filter best compliments hollandaise sauce? You know.

#Avocado toast, smoked trout, boiled egg, capers & pickled onions. @handtheh Source: brunchbrigade

4. An egg is no longer just an egg

It must be preceding benedict, florentine or some other long, upper-class name.

Eggs Benedict on brioche roll at Speakeasy Source: ultrakml

5. Fish for breakfast is now perfectly acceptable to you

What has become of us at all?


Brunch Source: ceeebeee

6. Pancakes are no longer preserved for Pancake Tuesday

But are they still as special?

Production Breakfast!!! Source: Peter

7. Your Sunday afternoon isn’t complete without a musical accompaniment

Jazz, piano, a DJ? Guys this is Sunday afternoon.

110restaurant-piano Source: Manchesterrestaurants

8. You’re developing a proper ‘taste’ for coffee

No filter crap here. You don’t even know what to do with yourself if there’s no little design on your latte.

Happy Coffee Star Time Source: Craig Anderson

9. Alcohol during the day is perfectly acceptable

Mimosas or Bloody Marys with a bit of fruit in it. It’s grand, in fact, it’s not truly brunch if they’re omitted.

mimosa Source: qwrrty

10. You judge restaurants based on their brunch reputation

Yep, solid.

427513_343234869051496_1517115973_n Source: Odessa Facebook

How to have the best breakfast EVER>

Wrecked? Hungover? Here’s how to hack your breakfast>

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