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Today is Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

Get out there and show bubble wrap some love.

Image: Shutterstock

MORE EXCITING THAN Halloween. More dignified than St Patrick’s Day. More romantic than Valentine’s Day. Yes, it’s Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day.

Bubble wrap was invented in the late 1950s by an American engineer and a Swiss inventor who were trying to create textured wallpaper.

They didn’t exactly do that (unless bubble wrap wallpaper is your interior design thing) but they did make a very handy packaging material, creating one of the most satisfying pursuits in the world in the process.

Just look at these gifs and try telling us you don’t feel the urge to pop.

tumblr_m7l5raJNLI1rocwym Source: Tumblr

giphy Source: Giphy

tumblr_inline_mmfudhPq6V1qz4rgp Source: Tumblr

tumblr_llj4zxwA3r1qaalrko1_500 Source: Tumblr

Note: You probably shouldn’t try the last one at home.

US party planning site Punchbowl suggests you spend the day joining “a social media group for bubble wrap fans” or simply popping some of the good stuff for yourself.

If you don’t have any real-life bubble wrap to hand, pop some virtual bubble wrap here. No need to thank us.

via @JohnMoynes

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