WE KNOW HOW you feel.
It’s Monday, you have the whole week looming ahead, and you have a lot on you plate.
So do like we do here in TheJournal.ie HQ and get stuck into a serious debate on one of life’s most pressing issues.
This week: Food comes up a lot as a topic of conversation here at TJ, as is the case in most offices. But we’ve never had as ferocious a fight as we did last week when someone mentioned putting pineapple on pizza.
Some agreed the sweet deliciousness was definitely a bonus topping, while others were vehement that the fruit did not belong on the Italian delight.
Where do you stand on this very important matter? Should pineapple ever go on a pizza?
Poll Results:
Got a burning question that has divided your household/work colleagues/friends? Let us know in the comments section or email us at tips@thejournal.ie or sinead@thejournal.ie.