YOU KNOW HOW it goes. There you are, stuck on the bus/Dart/M50 in the morning, regretting all the life decisions that led you to this point.
And then suddenly, there he/she is. A flash of eye, a nice haircut, a cracking pair of shoes. You know, whatever. You’re hooked.
That is, until they get off the bus, or pull away from the traffic light. Then they leave your life forever, never to be thought about ever again.
Until now.
Crushfeed is a new Android app that aims to connect people who previously only fancied each other across the aisle of the 46A.
First you enter your own physical attributes – age, sex, hair colour and so on. Then you can do the same for anyone you spot and think ‘you’re hot’.
You can also post a message describing when and where you saw them. Basically, it’s the tech equivalent of the Metro’s Yeh Big Ride section.
If they’re on Crushfeed and they match your description, they’ll get an alert. And a button that says:
At which point, it’s basically a short hop to arm-in-arm strolls in the park, getting a flat together, and falling asleep snoring on your other half in front of the telly after a heavy takeaway.
The app also lets you post your messages to a public wall, where they can be voted on by the community. This, it hopes, will help keep creepy messages out of the limelight.
Go! To the straphangers!