Dublin: 10 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

This bus passenger's random act of kindness proves that people are good after all

A good egg.

bus Source: DelVeien/YouTube

A NORWEGIAN CYCLIST was out and about when, unbeknownst to him, he dropped his keys on his commute.

Most of the time, this would result in scrambling around looking for them once you get to the front door and the eventual realisation that you’ve probably lost them. Basically a whole world of pain.

In this instance, however, the cyclist had a guardian angel in the form of an eagle-eyed bus passenger who spotted the keys falling from his pocket and flagged the cyclist down to let him know that the keys were “in the lane 700-800 meters over there”.

The whole thing was captured on GoPro and is the

Source: DelVeien/YouTube


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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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