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Busker drowns out homophobic preacher with rendition of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Just a WANNA, just a wannnaaaaaa.

MARDI GRAS IS a time of fun in Sydney. Preparation for the city’s parade was under way when the preacher stood on a step ladder and began ‘spreading anti-gay propaganda’, according to the video description.

Singer Axel Winter and his fellow buskers decided to drown his speech out with a jaunty little rendition of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun in the Pitt Street Mall.

Source: AxelWinterMusic/YouTube

Winter told the Daily Mail that he couldn’t just stand around listening to the hate.

It was Mardi Gras, not only a day to celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights, but also equality and unity towards all people.

The surrounding crowd joined in and the preacher was forced to leave.

The world is becoming equal. I’m so proud of this city for what it did. That man was entitled to freedom of speech, but hateful words and singling out certain people is not okay.

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