Dublin: 5 °C Wednesday 19 March, 2025

Cadbury just confirmed it's making Vegemite chocolate and everybody's sickened


As my sister said I think they're running out of ideas. I have to say though that I will definitely trying it. Giving up sugar will have to wait. #Vegemite #gottatryitonce #nonaussiesjust dontgetvegemite #chocolate #glassandahalf #cadburydairymilk Source: msgoddessintraining

CHOCOLATE AND POPCORN, chocolate and crisps, chocolate and chocolate… all great combinations, right?

But what about chocolate and a spreadable savoury paste made from leftover brewers’ yeast extract with vegetable and spice additives?

anigif_enhanced-13895-1409291603-8 Source: Buzzfed

Well, Cadbury has gone and produced just such a combination, in Australia at least.

june Source: @CadburyAU

The company has taken Australia’s beloved Vegemite and put it into a chocolate bar, claiming:

Yes, it’s delicious.

Nobody’s convinced.


Also, let he who is without sin…

spar Source: Grainne O'Reilly

8 surprising things that influence how you taste your food

This restaurant has designed its plates to make your food look good on Instagram

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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