YOUR CAR IS great, isn’t it? So convenient, cosy, private.
But what happens when it lets you down, or gives you more hassle than it’s worth?
Ask yourself – is it worth the pain? The bus isn’t that bad… really.
1. First of all, figure out, do you even need it?
2. Does it carry out the required function?
3. Make sure it has all the mods you want
4. …the right accessories
5. Be sure you know what you’re doing when it comes to maintenance
6. Is it fixed to death?
7. Do you repair it yourself, despite being a carpenter and not a mechanic?
8. Remember, a little duct tape goes a long way
9. On repairs, make sure they’re functional as well as good-looking
10. Do you drive around aimlessly just to gain some hilarious achievement?
11. But, it’s just not looking how it used to
12. Then there are the rules of the road. It’s a lot of effort, that ‘respecting pedestrians and other drivers’
13. Then there’s preventing theft… insurance, security systems, ugh. We’ll take the bus.