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Scary video shows entire street of cars swallowed in Baltimore landslide

Damn, Mother Nature.

CLOSE TO A dozen cars were swallowed up by a landslide on a Baltimore street on Wednesday.

The earth collapse – captured on video by an onlooker – happened after heavy rains caused flooding around the city.

This footage shows residents looking at the cars that appear to be tipping off the edge of the road – before they are swallowed entirely at around 1m 12s.

Source: ToddTesla/YouTube

Local resident Dana Moore told the Baltimore Sun:

My eyes were just riveted on the road and the railing just falling away. It was there and then it wasn’t.

The cars careered down from the street in Charles Village onto railway tracks owned by CSX Transportation, the company told the Baltimore Business Journal.

More: 12 people who have made their morning commute a little more interesting>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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