YESTERDAY, A REDDITOR posted this photo of a little boy named Carter, who approached them and requested a banana.
This is Carter. He knocked on my door to ask if he could have a banana then left.
It wasn’t long before the photo hit the front page. Redditors did not fail to note that Carter looks like an unbelievable badass.
And of course, a Photoshop battle commenced.
Carter appeared in a number of badass movie roles.
As well as taking his trademark hardman approach to TV.
Also, several holiday photos emerged.
Sometimes, Carter simply had to walk away from a situation.
Other times, he needed to deal with it. Executively.
He also spun off his fame into a musical career.
However, it didn’t ALWAYS go well for Carter.
And finally, we got to see the real Carter. What a cutie!
Thanks for that, Carter. We are in your debt.