Dublin: 10 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

Celebrations now contain Milky Way Crispy Rolls

Did we not just suggest this?!

JUST LAST NIGHT, we published a ranking of Celebrations sweets as they now stand.

celebrations Source: Instagram

In the piece, we posited that the Milky Way sweets should be replaced by the delicious Crispy Rolls, which are far superior to your standard Milky Way.

71-MODc4XPL._SL1500_ Source: Amazon

And what does the internet present to us this morning? Boxes of Celebrations containing Crispy Rolls. Truly, if you put energy out into the universe, it’s attracted back to you.

The sweets have been included in a ‘new mix’ for this Christmas in Germany and parts of mainland Europe:

crispy Source: Celebrations.de

crispy rolls

It would appear that we won’t be getting them over here – however, there have been reported sightings and rumours rumbling away in the UK.

So either some people went all the way to Germany to source their Christmas sweets, or these fabled Crispy Roll boxes are eventually coming to us.

We’ve contacted Mars to see if there is any truth to the matter. If this is another casualty of Brexit we’ll burst someone.

UPDATE: Readers have reported seeing Crispy Rolls in Cork, and also in the champagne bottle-shaped Celebrations available in Dunnes. We’ll be investigating this ASAP.

DailyEdge is on Instagram!

Every sweet in the Celebrations tin, ranked from worst to best>

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