1. Apartments in Bulgaria being touted as sound investments
2. Not being able to get into your local Centra at lunchtime because it was mobbed with builders
3. A song about breakfast rolls getting to number one
The song that best epitomises the whole era, tbh.
4. The television programme Bachelor’s Walk
Celtic Tiger television – > Bachelor’s Walk
Recession television – > Love/Hate
5. The rise of the champagne tent at the Galway Races
6. Even the sun lost the run of itself!
32.3 degrees!
Calm down, sun.
7. This photo of Georgia Salpa promoting SSIAs
Irish model? Check.
Embarrassing photocall? Check.
Celtic Tiger-era savings scheme? You betcha.
8. Teenagers wearing Dubarry deck shoes to school
9. Economists becoming actual celebrities
Fun fact: Ireland has more celebrity economists per capita than any other country.
10. Nipping over to New York to do the Christmas shopping
And telling people it worked out “cheaper” than staying at home.
The pure notions of it all.
11. Getting away with being pure snobby about Lidl and Aldi
During the Celtic Tiger, it was acceptable to be uppity about discount supermarkets. Now people start whispering that you’re “up yours” if you don’t shop at Lidl.
Oh, how far we’ve come.