SOME YEARS AGO, former RTÉ reporter and national institution Charlie Bird went to Antarctica.
There, he enjoyed a cuddle with a seal. Which I think we can all agree is a special thing.
The video of the incident was a YouTube hit at the time, but Ireland got to relive it last night when Charlie appeared on the Saturday Night Show to discuss his upcoming trip to the Arctic.
Here are the 9 stages of that eye-opening moment:
1. The Introduction
With tail-wag, and an answering wave from Charlie.
2. The Shimmy
3. The First Contact
Awkward, but we’ve all been there.
4. The Bandwagon Jumper
Ah here.
5. The Room For One More
Cuddles for all!
6. The Brave Face
Not bad, in the situation.
7. The Bliss
8. The Well, This Is Awkward
9. And finally, the At Peace
NEWSFLASH: Directly from the RTÉ Scheduling Department…
Watch the full Saturday Night Show interview with Charlie Bird on the RTÉ Player here.