1. Pass the Parcel
Eh, yes I absolutely do deserve to be rewarded for having to make awkward small talk at this gaff where I don’t really know anyone.
Not to mention your SHITE TUNES. Throw on a bit of Abba and shut up, Darren.
2. Duck, Duck, Goose
Because what harm could come from running around with drinks in hand?
(Look, I just want an excuse to sit down, ok?)
3. Hide ‘N’ Seek
Again, any excuse for me to get away from these people who your friends are really good friends with and you’re assured are ‘very funny’.
Catch me in the closet with my vino, never to be found.
Another version could also involve you hiding everyone’s drink so they inevitably have to seek it back out … An Easter egg hunt for cans, if you will.
4. Tip Chase
A useful manoeuvre if people are dilly-dallying before the taxi.
5. Musical Chairs/Statues
No ulterior motive here. This would just be craic TBH.
6. Murder in the Dark
Potentially hazardous, but then at least you don’t have to encounter the person you got with on the last night out who you have no intention of engaging with ever again™.
7. What Time Is It Mr. Wolf?
“It’s nearly 12, flop your drinks the taxi’ll be here in 5!!!”