IT’S THE LITTLE things, right?
Inspired by this imgur post, today we’ve been musing on the greatest victories experienced during childhood, from fancy cereal to Christmas presents.
1. An extra hour of playtime
“Awww mam, do we have to go ho… OH WAIT, THEY’RE TALKING. YESSSSsssssss”
2. When Bosco went to the bottling plant
The days when he didn’t go to the zoo through the Magic Door were truly special days.
Of course, these were the most special days of all:
3. Getting one of these for Christmas
You asked for it. You dreamed about it. You never thought you’d ever get it…
4. Winning at Monopoly
Making it through the entire game without tears, a fist fights, or some kind of tribunal about the banker’s inevitable treachery was a feat in itself.
To actually win Monopoly was truly an accomplishment.
5. Convincing your mam to buy fancy cereal
Anything with sugar or chocolate attached to it was a victory.
6. Pressing pause just in time
Successfully cutting out the ads was a special treat when recording something off the telly onto a trusty old VHS tape.
7. Winning an Irish dancing/Community Games medal
To be worn proudly around the house and environs for at least three days.
8. Going to Mosney for the Community Games final
You got a special tracksuit and everything.
9. Winning £2 on a scratch card
The first victory was being the one allowed to scratch the card. The second was actually winning something.
10. A solid chocolate Kit Kat
See also: Club Milk, Purple Snack…
11. Beating the final boss on Super Mario Bros
12. Getting TWO videos from the video shop
“Dad, dad, dad, dad, can we get two? Dad, dad, dad…”
13. Separating these…