Dublin: 11 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

Children read aloud to cats in the most adorable book club ever

This month’s book is The Cat-cher in the Rye.

WHAT BOOKS DO you think cats like? Meowby Dick? Of Mice and Men?

Children in Pennsylvania are reading aloud to rescue cats in a bid to work on their literacy while helping the cats relax.

According to the shelter’s website, the Book Buddies programme has been extremely beneficial to both the children and the cats:

The program will help children improve their reading skills while also helping the shelter animals.  Cats find the rhythmic sound of a voice very comforting and soothing.

This kitty likes looking at the pictures:

Book Buddies - Animal Rescue League of Berks County | Facebook Source: Facebook

While this one appears to have a short attention span and requires another form of entertainment:

1461098_770619432952646_1045746540_n Source: Berks ARL

This little boy seems to be one of the more popular readers, with a sizeable audience:

Book Buddies - Animal Rescue League of Berks County | Facebook Source: Facebook

And this little guy is really getting INto the story, isn’t he?

Last night Cassandra Kraus, 1st grader at Conrad Source: Facebook

You can see more adorable pictures of the readers and their feline friends on the Animal Rescue League of Berks County Facebook page.

Just in case any Irish animal centres are reading – we would not object to a similar initiative being set up in this country.

i-volunteer Source: Gifrific

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