OH, CHRIS BROWN. What do you have to do to be allowed into a country these days?
The R&B artist had to cancel last night’s show in Montreal, and an upcoming date in Toronto, because Canadian immigration officials wouldn’t let him across the border from the US.
In a since deleted tweet, Chris Brown let it be known that he was denied entry, but didn’t state the exact reason
The exact reasons are not clear for his inadmissibility into Canada, but it might be down to his previous criminal convictions that have plagued his past
Of course, Twitter responded to the news with typical wit. First up, Brown’s rivalry with Toronto rapper Drake was instantly referenced
And Drake’s own taunting lyrics to Brown were whipped out
In general, Canadians seemed quite happy with the border policy in place
And even those outside Canada seemed almost giddy at the thought
We’ll wait and see whether Brown can get his papers in order and make it back for those summer gigs.