NOT ALL A-LIST couples are this sound.
Not by a long shot.
1. Remember when they had this adorable Twitter exchange about Jurassic World
2. When they showed their dedication to parenting on the red carpet
3. When Chris was a hairdresser for one day only
4. When Anna tried to prank him live on Ellen
5. When she live-tweeted the pair of them getting ready for a red carpet and it was hilarious
6. When they collaborated on Instagram for laughs
7. How her autobiography contains “trace amounts of Chris Pratt”
8. The countless adorable parenting Instagrams
9. Which just get better and better
10. When they tribute each other online, it’s usually both funny and charming
11. And these kinds of <3 moments are common enough
12. But really, the jokes are where it’s at with these two
13. Half the time you don’t know if they’re being serious or taking the piss
14. “Anyways. I don’t know shit about wine. But GOD DAMN this woman is good lookin’ and the wine sure tastes good as well. Thankful for so much.”
15. Everyone is here for all these moments – like the SNL serenade
The best.