THERE’S A VERY thin line between when it’s too early to start talking about Christmas, and when it’s just right.
We think the time has come to give in to temptation, have a curly wurly for breakfast, and start planning your telly watching.
Here’s why…
1. The Santa Clause was on telly last weekend
And National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation was on the week before that.
However, it is too early for the Joni Mitchell scene in Love Actually. Some things are just too sacred.
2. The 12 Pubs planning has begun
3. They’re switching on lights up and down the country this weekend
4. The John Lewis ad has been revealed
Surely these are soon to follow:
(It’s okay to have a little cry at this point, if you want)
5. People are making puddings and cakes
The “special shelves” of flour, raisins, ground almonds and candied peel have sprung up in supermarkets up and down the land, meaning everyone else has started making their puddings and cakes EXCEPT YOU!
Quick! Pelt out and buy a bottle of stout and some greaseproof paper!
6. You’ve already bought one tree ornament. Just the one mind
7. Looking at the following images will hit you right in the childhood and make you yearn for Christmas past