IN CASE YOU needed your pre-existing assumptions confirmed, here it is: Irish workers are very badly behaved at their office Christmas parties.
Two out of three managers at Irish companies reported receiving formal complaints – formal complaints! – after their office festivities.
Which means, if the figures from 1,012 employers surveyed by Peninsula Ireland are to be relied upon, that the majority of Irish companies include someone who does something completely unacceptable at the party. To the extent that one of their colleagues goes to management about it.
Says Alan Price, Peninsula’s managing director:
One thing I will say though, when planning office Christmas parties you need to be aware of potential risks including; alcohol-fuelled brawls, harassment and discrimination.
Despite this fairly horrifying indictment of Irish people’s behaviour, the number of Christmas parties is going up. Peninsula say 74 per cent of businesses surveyed are organising a Christmas do this year.
In 2011, only 49 per cent did. Meaning workers at more than half of Irish companies went without the opportunity for an alcohol-fuelled brawl.