ST PATRICK’S CHURCH in Glenamaddy, Galway is thinking outside the box in the run up to Ash Wednesday next week.
They’re going to be implementing a drive-thru system for parishioners on the go – so they don’t even need to leave their car to get their blessing:
As first reported by the Farmer Journal, the Glenamaddy pastoral council made the decision to help out those that can’t attend mass on the day.
As the local parish priest Paddy Mooney tells, it’s designed for maximum ease on Ash Wednesday:
It’s just a way to facilitate people going to work, school, and things like that in the morning.
At Christmas there was another parish down at the supermarket taking confession, so we’re just there to help people out like that and make it as easy as possible for them.
We thought we’d think outside the box a bit on it.
St Patrick’s is perfectly designed for this innovative new practice, as Father Mooney describes:
Our church lends itself to it, with a driveway up to the door and then a gate out the back. People can just drive right up to the door with the window down.
Not only will there be a drive-thru Ash Wednesday services, but there will be a Lenten box available for drivers too
Double the handiness:
It’s just for people who might want to have someone remembered, they can pop a note into the box as they pass.
Truly blessed <3