IT WAS A windy few days in various parts of the country over the weekend – and even more so if you were by the cliffs trying to scale your way down them.
One Belfast adventurer was in Antrim trying to do exactly that – but he wasn’t exactly expecting the wind to be up when he chucked his rope out:
“Trying to climb cliffs in Ireland”
He was in absolute stitches afterwards as well.
Trying to dramatically fire the rope out to begin his absail, the wind was having none of it
Source: Thomas Prebble/Vimeo
The GIF to Reddit where it’s blown up globally – hitting the front page earlier today.
Simply put, one commenter could see where the rope was coming from:
Even the rope was like Fuck that noise.
While others would have packed up and bailed:
I’d take that as a sign and go home
Seems logical.
The uploader told that it took place on Fairhead headland in Antrim over the weekend, but failed to confirm whether he braved the decline after such a ferocious gust.
Meanwhile, people around the world are getting a serious kick out of such a cartoon-esque situation.