A COFFEE SHOP in the south of France has decided to scale its prices according to the politeness of its customers.
If a customer simply asks for a coffee, they’ll be expected to fork out a whopping seven euro. If they ask for, ‘a coffee, please’, it’ll set them back €4.25. However, if they manage to greet and thank the staff, saying, ‘Hello, a coffee please,’ they’ll only have to cobble together €1.40.
According to the owner of the Petite Syrah in Nice, customers can be just as rude as staff. Speaking to english language publication The Local, Fabrice Pepino said:
It started as a joke because at lunchtime people would come in very stressed and were sometimes rude to us when they ordered a coffee. It’s our way of saying ‘keep calm and carry on.
Apparently the price scheme hasn’t actually needed to be enforced thus far, but it sounds like a great way to keep people in check.
H/T to Eater