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How Grim Was Your College Flat?

Find out how bad your place really was.

grimcover Source: flickr

1. Which of these couches is closest to what you had to sit on in your gaff?
2. Did your house have a regimented approach to cleaning the dishes?
Absolutely not, it was chaos
We had a dishwasher

We had a cleaning rota
Things got cleaned eventually, but it piled up beforehand
3. Did you, at any stage, have a traffic cone sitting proudly in your living room?
4. Which of these posters was most likely to be stuck up on a communal wall?
A student election/campaign poster
The classic movie poster

Something black and white city photo that you look back on now with embarrassment
Posters were not allowed in my place
5. Was there a running battle between you and your housemates for hot water in the morning?
Yes, there was
No, we had loooads of hot water
6. On average, how many mornings each week did you walk in to find a randomer sleeping on your couch?
That never happened
About once a week I'd say

Ah, a few times a week
There was always somebody on our couch
7. Did somebody own a rarely-cleaned George Foreman grill?
Yes. The shame of the grease pile was real.
No way.
8. And finally... the smell of your place could be described as...
Like alcohol

A combination of an unclean oven and Febreeze
Like the bins had not been taken out in a long time
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
Your college gaff was ridiculously grim
You tried your best, but there was no getting away from the fact that your place was capital G grim. People stopped suggesting pre-drinks at your place, such was the levels of
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You scored out of !
Your college gaff was pretty grim
By no means the worst gaff going near campus, but the fact that nothing ever worked and the carpet was of questionable vintage/odour meant that your place was certainly considered grim. It's over now, though. We have all moved on.
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You scored out of !
Your gaff was grand, actually
Your place was practically a palace compared to other students' gaffs. You had full functioning hot water and the place was always kept in a decent state. Well done.
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You scored out of !
Your college flat was actually lovely!
You might have had to put up with the odd session clean ups, but all in all, your gaff was ridiculously nice by college standards. Be thankful you didn't have to
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About the author:

David Elkin

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