IT’S CAO DAY today, also known as the day students find out their college fate.
Today they can begin to truly imagine their college lives, and all the wonderful fun they have ahead of them.
Here are some of the delightful activities they have to look forward to.
Mindless robbery
This is the real cone of shame. Imgur
Whether its glasses from the pub or traffic cones on the way home, everyone does it at one time or another.
Why? No one knows.
(Obviously we do not condone this carry-on.)
County colours nights
Joining societies they have no interest in
Watching Home and Away
Even people who are not fans of Home and Away end up watching Home and Away during college.
It’s science, or something.
Sharing a single bed
For romantic reasons, and for reasons unknown to anyone.
Drinking on the bus
Prinks regularly extend into the bus journey, despite the fact that it’s against the rules.
Gotta make some savings with your home bought booze!
Spending hours on Daft
Mastering balancing techniques
Going for coffee
‘Going for coffee’ can sometimes happen seven or eight times per day depending on the lecture schedule.
It may not actually include coffee, but it definitely includes sitting around the college coffee shop.
Epic holiday planning
Each Summer is an opportunity to scrounge your pennies together and go on an amazing trip.
This requires many organisational meetings and conversations.
Asking their parents for money
THE INDIGNITY OF IT ALL! But seriously Mam, can I have twenty quid?
Eating noodles
There’s no getting around it. Noodles are a staple of the college diet.
What other activities did you engage in in college? Show the youth of today what they have to look forward to in the comments!