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Famous internet cat Colonel Meow dies

So majestic.

Image: Facebook

IT’S WITH HEAVY hearts that we bring you the news that one of the internet’s most beloved cats Colonel Meow has died.

Known for his distinctive (and majestic) markings, the Colonel passed away on Thursday. As well as being an online hero, he also held the Guinness World Record for the longest cat fur.

His human posted a message on his official Facebook page which reads:

Colonel Meow passed away yesterday evening. I will post more about the details when I’ve had a few days to grieve. Thank you so much for your understanding, Minions. Your love and support has meant the world to us both. -Slave Beast

The Colonel – who was just two years old – fell ill last year and fans from all over the internet rallied in support for the animal.

Source: Colonel Meow

Colonel Meow’s housepal The Brawd seems to know something’s up, with another Facebook post reading:

The Brawd has been following me around everywhere today. She never does that #RIPColonel

The Brawd has been following me around ... Source: Facebook

Rest in peace Colonel Meow, you fantastic beast.

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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