AH, AUNT MARGARET. She means well.
Her compliments are a bit misguided though, and my does she shower you in them.
Your self-esteem may be at an all time low, but at least be thankful that she didn’t come right out with it in front of everyone.
Here are 15 ‘compliments’ that we’d really rather not get.
1. “Your new haircut really suits your face”
WHAT’S WRONG WITH MY FACE? Why would my haircut need to flatter it?
2. “Those jeans are lovely on your figure”
What’s wrong with my figure?!
3. “I’m surprised you did so well”
Oh, what exactly were you expecting?
4. “You wear that weight well, you’d look strange skinny”
You can’t be serious.
5. “You’ve such a pretty face”
What’s wrong with the rest of me?
6. “You’re not like the girls/guys I usually go out with”
You mean, nice, attractive, an all-round good person?
7. “I like you because you’re just like one of the lads/girls”
What can’t you like me for being a member of the opposite sex?!
8. “That’s a BRAVE thing to wear”
What do you mean brave?!
9. “How have you not been snapped up yet?”
Maybe because people like you are the only ones that approach me?
10. “Nice dress, it’s so smart”
SMART is not the look I was going for.
11. “I love how you can pull that off”
Are you trying to say my style is weird? Tell me my style is weird. Dare you.
12. “You look really intelligent with glasses/pretty without them”
We can’t win, we CAN’T WIN.
13. “You’re the image of [insert questionable celebrity here]“
I’d really, really, really rather you hadn’t said that.
14. “You clean up nicely”
Am I usually filthy? What exactly are you trying to say?
15. “It’s the thought that counts”
What about all the effort I put into it? Or the fact that it’s really good?