THE CONDOM CHALLENGE has started to dominate social media timelines around the world this week – leading most people to wonder what the hell is going on.
Well, as above, it’s the simple process of dropping a water-filled condom on to a friend’s head and it’s become an absolute sensation.
Two days ago, this video of a condom challenge brought the challenge to a lot of people’s attention:
It shows the basic premise of the challenge – dropping a condom filled with water onto someone’s head where it sits before eventually exploding.
It was originally posted on Twitter on Tuesday and has been retweeted over 20,000 times
If you can’t see the video click here.
The first seriously popular video showing the condom-filled-with-water trick was last week though, when these two lads in Japan went mega viral
What’s going on at all?
Well, some people are saying that the Condom Challenge is designed to show that condoms “not being big enough” should never be an excuse. As Medical Daily reports:
In spite of the utter stupidity involved with dumping a condom filled with water on your head, some Twitter users have started using #CondomChallenge to help raise safe sex awareness, because, they reason, if it can fit around the head on a guy’s shoulder then it can most certainly fit around the one below their waist.
This has been supported by some Twitter users, who see a benefit to the challenge
Of course, it seems that it’s also spreading because people think it’s really good craic - as this compilation shows:
TechInsider thinks that the whole thing is potentially dangerous and serves no purpose at all
As in: plastic over head is NEVER a good idea.
But the amount of Twitter and Vine users willing to take the challenge seems to be ever growing
It’s taking over colleges in the US, apparently
So now. That explains that (kind of).