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How much is a Coppers Gold Card actually worth?

We’ve done the maths.

Copper Face Jacks Nightclubs Source: Mark Stedman/Photocall Ireland

THIS WEEK A coveted Coppers Gold Card was offered for sale online.

For the princely sum of €250 one Dublin lad was willing to part with this precious and fairly exclusive key to an Irish institution. (It would appear he was chancing his arm, but more on that later).

But just how exclusive are they? And more importantly, what are they worth?

Consider this: A Coppers gold card grants you and a friend free entry to the nightclub any night of the week (subject to capacity), and it also allows you to skip the queue.

It does not grant you any free drink, nor does it allow you to use the infamous cloakroom free of charge.

So, taking into consideration, let’s put a price on owning a Gold Card for a year…

“ID there, please”

Coppers charges a €5 entry fee during the week, and €10 at weekends.

Bearing in mind that Gold Card holders are extremely loyal customers and likely to be regular visitors, we estimate that money saved on door charged amount to:

card Source: Adverts.ie

“Where are ye coming from, lads?”

Factoring in that someone without a Gold Card might not darken Coppers’ doors as many as  70+ times in one year, we’ve allowed queuing time for 30 weekend visits and 20 weekday visits.

We’ve worked out how much you could have made if you spent that time working for the minimum wage instead.

Anecdotally a weekend queue could have you waiting 30 mins, while a weekday queue might hold you up by ten minutes. That’s:

wagesmain Source: Photocall Ireland

So, in total that’s:

ttoal Source: Photocall Ireland

Exclusive club

With a highly scientific yearly value of €1,411.40 placed on each Gold Card, how many of them are floating around?

A Copper Face Jacks spokesperson told DailyEdge.ie that the cards are offered to:

…regular customers. I suppose you’d call them loyal customers.

He estimated that there are a few hundred cards in circulation at the moment.

The’re non transferable, numbered, and have an expiry date with the current batch due to last until 2017. The club recently went through a promotional period of handing out five cards to lucky winners every Thursday night, but they are usually granted on an ad hoc basis.

So, what of the one for sale online this week then?

It’s worthless.

said the spokesperson.

It’s expired and it’s non transferable. That person got it in good faith and this is what they decided to do with it. We’ve already been on to the site to take it down.
There’s a strange prestige attached to them. I can’t really explain it.

So there you have it. Godspeed in your Gold Card endeavours.

A Dublin lad was selling his Coppers Gold Card for a whopping €250>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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