Dublin: 5 °C Wednesday 26 February, 2025

A Cork man thinks a meteor is coming to kill us all after the Yes vote

There’s an asteroid on the way.

THE OPINION LINE on Cork’s 96FM is used to its share of audacious views on every issue – but today’s show might have taken it to the next level.

Jim called in to warn the listeners about an impending meteor strike thanks to the Yes vote in last week’s Referendum. Needless to say, the presenters called him out on it:

Source: OpinionLine96/SoundCloud

Jim was not happy about last week’s election result, anyway:

To vote in favour of a heinous sin is a mortal sin on yourself.

Presenter PJ Coogan put forward an impassioned defence of his Yes vote:

I voted yes, Jim, and I’m proud I voted Yes. For people that I know in my life – some people that I know very well and am good friends with - they deserve the same happiness as I’ve had.

To which Jim replied:

I’m not denying anyone happiness, but it’s a false happiness – it’s not a God happiness.

After Jim claimed that an asteroid was on its way to earth in September 2015, presenter Deirdre O’Shaughnessy asked whether a No vote in the Referendum could have changed its path. His answer:

No, but Ireland would have escaped the worst of it.

Some listeners found the exchange slightly amusing

And some of the reaction focused on the impending asteroid

This is why we love call-in shows. Never change, radio.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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