COLLECTORS ARE AN unusual bunch.
An unusual bunch with a lot of extra space in their homes.
Check out some of the most incredible collections around.
Hot sauce
Vic Clinco has an entire room in his home in Arizona dedicated to storing his hot sauce collection.
Super Soakers
Chris Reid has more than 340 Super Soaker water guns.
Winnie the Pooh
Deb Hoffman from Wisconsin has spent twenty years collecting Winnie the Pooh memorabilia. She has 8,900 pieces.
This man from Singapore has more than 6,000 Barbies.
Fizzy drink cans
The owner of this collection remains anonymous, although we do know that he has more than 8,000 coke cans.
Hot Wheels
Presenting, 2500 Hot Wheels toy cars.
This is just some of Imgur user theoclast‘s lightsaber collection.
Fred and Robert have 400 appliances in their house.
Ballpoint pens
Angelika Unverhau from Germany has collected more that 220,000 ball-point pens. That’s without duplicates.
Beer cans
Greg Stinza spent more than twenty years collecting these bad boys.
Pokemon teddies
What you see above are 12,000 items of Pokémon merchandise, owned the the then 21-year-old Lisa Courtney. She spent 13 years building her collection.
Mickey Mouse
Jane Esteves owns more than 2,500 Mickey Mouse items.
Dolly Parton
Patric and Harold have over a million pieces of Dolly Parton memorabilia.
Are you a collector? Can you compete with these guys?