WE ALL REMEMBER with fondness the pop-up crisp sandwich cafes in Belfast and in Dublin that opened for a brief time earlier this year.
Needless to say, they were a roaring success.
Well, that was noticed across the water, because an English man has set up a permanent crisp sandwich shop in Yorkshire – and it opened this week.
They serve up rather ridiculous combinations too – like Hula Hoops and Nutella:
Speaking to the Yorkshire Post, the owner and founder Mark Pearson said he was inspired by the crisp sandwich eatery in Belfast:
When I saw the one launch in Belfast, I thought the only way I can find out if a crisp sandwich shop can succeed over here is by giving it a go myself. I sat on the idea for six months, working on sourcing which crisps and flavours to have and doing some market research. Now I feel the time is now or never. I could either sit on the fence and get left behind or go and take a chance.
Mr Crisp opened yesterday, and has made both the BBC and ITV news based on the novelty factor alone.
Apparently the shop stocks over 50 varieties of crisps, and they “can be eaten with white or brown bread, teacakes and baguettes.”
Not only that, but you can get tomato ketchup, salad cream, marshmallow, peanut butter, or jam dolloped all over it.
Given the Irish versions were only temporary pop-ups, this guy obviously thinks there is a long term future for the crisp sandwich cafe.
Perhaps they need to work on their sauces in the long run, though.