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Only A True Crisps Master Will Get 100% In This Quiz

Experts only, please.

Right, let's start with something easy. What flavour of Hunky Dorys is this?
Sour Cream & Onion
Cheddar Cheese & Spring Onion

Now, this little guy is on the front of which bag?
Monster Munch
Hot Lips

What flavour are we dealing with here?
Irish Cider Vinegar & Sea Salt
Mature Irish Cheese and Red Onion

Sweet Chilli
Which of these chicken-flavoured corn snacks has NEVER existed?

Are these Bacon Fries or Scampi Fries?
big_ted Instagram
Now, an easy one... what flavour are Chipsticks?
Salt & Vinegar
Cheese & Onion

Ready Salted
Going on the colour scheme alone, name this bag.

Burger Bites
Now, this Irish brand.

What flavour is the pink Tayto?
Tex Mex
Prawn Cocktail

Smokey Bacon
And finally... what county is written in big lettering on the front of every single packet of O'Donnell's?

Answer all the questions to see your result!
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You got 10%!
You could do better! Get yourself to the shop for some delicious revision.
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You got 20%!
You could do better! Get yourself to the shop for some delicious revision.
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You got 30%!
You could do better! Get yourself to the shop for some delicious revision.
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You got 40%!
Middle of the road! But you still deserve a crisp sandwich after that.
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You got 50%!
Middle of the road! But you still deserve a crisp sandwich after that.
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You got 60%!
Middle of the road! But you still deserve a crisp sandwich after that.
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You scored out of !
You got 70%!
Decent! Have a crisp sandwich to celebrate, you deserve one.
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You scored out of !
You got 80%!
Good score. You're a crisp expert, have a crisp sandwich to celebrate.
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You scored out of !
You got 90%!
So close - but let's face it, you know your crisps. Well played.
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You scored out of !
You got 100%!
You are truly the crisp master. Well done.
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About the author:

David Elkin

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