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A Croatian church doesn't want you to see Cersei Lannister's boobs

A church the show wanted to film a nude scene in does not like topless women strolling around in there, apparently.

cerseilannister Queen Cersei, eternally unimpressed Source: HBO

GAME OF THRONES is almost as famous for its gratuitous nudity as it is for its actual plot – but it seems not everyone is impressed at the rampant baring of bits.

A church in the Croatian city of Dubrovnik, where the show films a lot of the King’s Landing scenes, has objected to the filming of a particular scene involving Cersei Lannister.

The scene in question calls for Cersei (played by Lena Headey) to walk out of the church and into King’s Landing completely in the nip.

5021886_orig Classic Cersei stankface. Source: Youwinoryoudierp

TMZ reports that the local film commission in Dubrovnik will not give permission for the scene to be shot, as the church has a “rigid policy against public displays of sexuality”.

The scene reportedly cannot be cut as it’s an integral part of the show’s plot, and an “iconic moment” from the book.

According to reports, producers haven’t yet figured out how to work around the ban. Divine intervention, perhaps?

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