WE HAVE DISCUSSED the cronut before and we still think about it quite regularly.
As the name suggests they are a hybrid of a croissant and a doughnut and they look absolutely delicious:
via Imgur
So far cronuts have been sold mainly in New York and causing something of a sensation.
But it seems like Ireland will get the chance to experience them soon as the Marker Hotel in Dublin is planning to offer them in the next few weeks.
Erica Shiels of the Marker Hotel spoke to us about the treat pointing out that their head chef noticed the attention cronuts were getting in New York and decided to try it over here.
"They were working on it for quite awhile" Erica notes given that they had to perfect the mix of doughnut and croissant.
Having being unveiled at a launch last week and already a part of the breakfast buffet for guests of the hotel, Emma says:
It's a goal to start selling them within the next two to three weeks
Irish blogger Emma Henderson was lucky to try some of the cronuts from the hotel recently, snapping them in the process and they really do look amazing.
Here is a lemon cronut, feel free to drool as much as needed:
via Emma Henderson / Fluff and Fripperies
Having sampled them Emma said the cronut "was everything I dreamed of and
Noting that there was a "variety of toppings on offer" she sampled cronuts with lemon and cinnamon toppings.
In fact the cinnamon one looks absolutely incredible, we may need a moment to recover:
via Emma Henderson / Fluff and Fripperies
According to Emma they certainly lived up to her expectations:
They both tasted like a little bit of heaven - exactly like a marriage between a sweet, sugary donut and a buttery,
flaky croissant.
Just look at what happens when you open them:
Emma Henderson / Fluff and Fripperies
We can't wait much longer, bring us all the cronuts now please.