LAST WEEK, WE told you about Dublin’s newest food stall, Currabinny – a venture by Ireland’s top Snapchatter James Kavanagh and his boyfriend William Murray.
Their glimmering gold ‘Glamnilla’ vanilla shortbreads were of particular interest to many – and now they’re going viral, but not for the reason anyone expected.
It’s all thanks to this tweet joking about the shortbreads’ shimmer:
(For the uninitiated – highlighter is a shimmery makeup product applied to the face to mimic a natural glow.)
The tweet took off – and, the internet being the internet, it was stolen and adapted by other Twitter users until it became this:
And this:
And this:
The picture has now been shared, with minor tweaks to the caption, hundreds of thousands of times – Kavanagh told that he’s getting “tagged on Instagram every five seconds” as another famous user re-posts the picture.
Despite this, he’s loving the attention the biscuits are getting:
It’s turned them into a bit of a cult biscuit. The only thing I’m raging about is that there’s no Currabinny sticker on it. We don’t want to repeat things, but these [biscuits] are gonna carry through at every stall.
For anyone interested in what it is that makes the biscuits glow, it’s edible gold dust from Fallon & Byrne in Dublin.
Made for baking, but we’re sure you could put it in your makeup bag if you really wanted.
*applies gold dust to cheeks with vigour*
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