The worst insults are usually the tamest, said with the highest malice.
1. Harmless
To be described as harmless, is to pretty much not even exist at all.
2. Ya bleedin tick ye
All about the delivery on this one. Have it thrown at you in a thick Dublin accent, and they may as well have just shot you.
3. You clown
Usually said with copious amounts of disappointment in their voice.
4. Dirtbird
Being a dirtbird is the worst kind of dirty. Manky, scumbag, sick bitch, they’re all very valid but dirtbird is in a league of its own disgust.
5. Sap
Wimp, whipped, mammy’s boy, wuss… not one of em have a patch on sap.
6. State of it
You worked so HARD on it, you’d almost rather someone said it was ugly or crap rather than a simple dismissive ‘state of it’.
7. Dry shite
No Irish person likes to be seen to be lacking the craic. Somehow, dryshite cuts way deeper than banter hoover or the plain old shite craic.
8. Muppet
No one wants to be a muppet.
9. Scab
Can anything cut deeper than being accused of being cheap while down the pub avoiding your round? No, sadly.