Dublin: 10 °C Thursday 6 March, 2025

Daft advert seeks 'a serious girl' to share studio apartment

No messers.

WELL, THIS IS fairly grim.

This is a Daft advert for a studio apartment in Dublin 8. As you can see, the current occupant is seeking a housemate to share a double bed for the costly sum of €320 per month and bills.

daftgrim Source: Daft


What sort of housemate is he/she looking for? Well, a glance at the description reveals that they are looking for “a serious girl”.

seriosugirl Source: Daft

…and that’s about it. Having a serious disposition is basically the only requirement.

Messers need not apply.

(h/t Broadsheet

This comedy sketch perfectly captures the horrors of renting in Dublin >

This Daft advert has a nice little surprise for you >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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