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8 of the most hilariously mundane Daily Mail headlines ever

“Woman eats yoghurt.”

1. This important juice development

Source: Mail Online

2. This breaking news event in the motoring field

3. This worrying example of hypocrisy at its worst

4. This troubling revelation about offspring

“There often comes a time when children grow taller than their parents.”

5. This man who probably needs forty winks or so

6. This bakery-based shock

7. This breaking update on the activities of the arms and mouth of Robert Downey Jr

Source: Facebook

8. And this shocking crime story.

Source: Mail Online

Just Victoria Beckham behind some railings. That’s literally what it is.

More: Someone at the Daily Mail needs to go back over their Irish geography> 

More: This fake Daily Mail headline about ‘Muslim Spiders’ fooled lots of people today>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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