IN A STORY that’ll warm the cockles of your heart, the man who was body-shamed online for dancing has finally gotten his star-studded party.
Dancing Man went viral back in March after 4chan users tried to make fun of him:
LA-based writer Cassandra Fairbanks saw the mean comments and decided to find the man, then throw him a party where he could dance all he liked.
After an extensive internet campaign, Dancing Man was eventually identified as a Londoner named Sean O’Brien – and a plan began to form.
Last night, the party finally went down in Los Angeles – celebrities like Meghan Trainor, Pharrell, Monica Lewinski and Andrew WK came by to support O’Brien.
Moby stayed true to his word and DJed.
The organisers even managed to raise $30,000 for anti-bullying charities:
O’Brien told ABC News that he hopes his experience teaches other people to be kind:
The positivity of it all. So many good people out there. This all started because somebody tried to be nasty and it turned good so quickly.
Now you see. The internet isn’t all bad. You go, Sean!