1. When he brilliantly took on modern herbal medicine
2. And skewered the Big Frying Pan conspiracy
3. And imagined the Queen at Wimbledon like…
4. When he explained the awkwardness of phone calls with an accent
5. And ripped people who ask their for girlfriend’s father’s permission to marry
6. Remember when he solved Greece’s debt crisis
7. And why he doesn’t bother doing jokes about religion any more
8. That time he embarrassed a troll with one tweet
9. And destroyed music snobs
10. On the Irish legal system, he said:
You think things are all legal or illegal in this country. In Ireland, that’s not the way we do it. We’ve got a greater appreciation of the greyness of the human condition, between the white and the black. There are three states of legality in Irish law: there’s all this stuff which comes under “That’s grand” and then moves into “Ah now, don’t push it” and finally comes under “Right, you’re taking the piss” and that’s when the police come in.
11. And finally… how to send a letter to Ireland