Dublin: 3 °C Tuesday 4 March, 2025

Somebody FINALLY asked David Gray what his favourite shade of grey is

He said “arsewipe grey” was his favourite.

YESTERDAY, BOARDS.IE hosted a Q&A with David Gray and asked him a number of questions posed by Boards.ie users.

He was asked all the usual questions – best gig, best venue, etc. – before he was asked what his favourite shade of grey was. (‘Cause of his name, get it?)

His answer was surprisingly in-depth.

He held up a grey plectrum and described it as his “most frequently used shade of grey” before clarifying that he prefers a “slatier, deeper grey”.

Source: Boards .ie/YouTube

The user who asked the question had also sent a colour chart. Of those colours, Gray said that his favourite was “pale version of arsewipe grey or whatever it was called”.

It was a slightly bluer grey, so it had a bit more jollity and there was a bit of depth of colour.

It was then revealed that the actual name of the colour was “diamond vogel pale slate”.

The more you know, eh?

(Boards.ie is part of the Distilled Media Group. Journal Media Ltd has shareholders – Brian and Eamonn Fallon – in common with Distilled Media Group.)

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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