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How Well Do You Know the Ins and Outs of Die Hard?

It’s crunch-time.

AS DEBATE CONTINUES to rage as to whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie or not, we’re more concerned with the ins and outs of the actual film in this particular quiz.

You see, considering the fact it’s set at Christmas and routinely broadcast at Christmas, we thought it appropriate to hold the quiz at Christmas.

And yes, that does point towards our stance on the aforementioned debate, but look, we’ll say no more about it.

Let’s get to the root of the issue: how much do you know about Die Hard?

1. What Is John McClane's estranged wife's name?

2.What was the name of the terrorist causing mayhem in the film?
Hans Kruber
Klaus Gruber

Klaus Kruger
Hans Gruber
3. Where did the hostage situation play out?
Nakatomi Manor
Nakatomi Spire

Nakatomi Tower
Nakatomi Plaza
4. Finish this quote: "Come out to the coast, we'll get together..."
... have a few beers.'
...have a good time.'

...have a few drinks.'
...have a few laughs.'
5. Finish this quote: "Nine million terrorists in the world and I gotta kill one with..."
... better hair than me."
...feet smaller than my sister."

...hands smaller than my kid."
...better style than me."
6. Which Run DMC song played in the film?
Christmas in Hollis

You Talk Too Much
King of Rock
7. What floor was the office Christmas party being held on?

8. What is the value of the bearer bonds locked in the vault?
$120 million
$240 million

$480 million
$640 million
9. What was the name of the nanny in the film?

10. Finish this quote: "You Americans are all alike. Well, this time John Wayne does not walk off into the sunset with..."
Audrey Hepburn
Grace Kelly

Marilyn Monroe
Jayne Mansfield
Answer all the questions to see your result!
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You scored 100%
You know this film inside out, and can quote the entire script, can't you? Amazing work.
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You scored 90%
You watch this every Christmas without fail, and consider it one of the greatest action movies ever, don't you? Brilliant work!
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You scored 80%
Fantastic work out of you! Please feel free to bask in your glory.
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This was a great result. Well done!
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You scored 60%
More than half right, so you should be fairly proud of yourself!
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You scored 50%
Half right, half wrong: it's not your favourite film, but you'll watch it if it's on.
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You scored 40%
Hmmm... you never really rated this movie, did you?
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You scored 30%
This isn't great, let's be honest. But sure, you gave it a go.
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Well, this is appalling.
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You scored 10%
Honestly. why bother?
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You scored 0%
Sorry, but have you ever heard of Die Hard?
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About the author:

Niamh McClelland

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